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Events & Announcements


이벤트 & 공지사항

Past Events

JUN 25–27, 2019

Argentina: Praise Theology Course in Buenos Aires

JUN 17–21, 2019

Vietnam: Awana Leadership Youth Training at Mui Ne Resorts (praise & worship theology and music theory by Dr. Johann Kim)

MAY 18, 2019

USA: San Diego New Praise Festival

MAY 11, 2019

USA: Dallas New Praise Festival (Winners Recital) / Reno (NV) New Praise Festival (Master class)

MAY 5, 2019

USA: Louisville New Praise Festival (Winners Recital)

MAY 4, 2019

USA: Dallas New Praise Festival (Audition)

APR 27, 2019

USA: Louisville (KY) New Praise Festival (Audition)

APR 13, 2019

USA: NY-NJ New Praise Festival (Winners Concert) at Lincoln Center, NY

MAR 30, 2019

USA: New Jersey New Praise Festival (Audition)

MAR 25–31, 2019

Ethiopia: Praise Theology Intensive Course in Addis Ababa (led by Dr. Johann Kim) for North African countries

MAR 15, 2019

Cambodia: The 2nd Annual Recital of Cambodia Missionary Choir (cond. Johann Kim / Hosanna Choir & Ensemble special performance)

FEB 23, 2019

Korea: AMO New Year Praise Festival (Peformance by Hye Rim Park & Srey Ty)

FEB 22, 2019

Korea: Small Room Praise Recital (acc. 1 Chr 9:33)

FEB 17, 2019

Japan: Sermon on Mt. 21:16 and New Praise ministry report @ Bible Church in Tokyo

JAN 28–FEB 2, 2019

Indonesia: Semarang Praise Theology Intensive Course (led by Dr. Johann Kim) @ Abdiel Seminary in Ungaran

DEC 10, 2018

New Praise Festival Cambodia: Siem Reap 씨엠립 새찬양축제

DEC 8, 2018

New Praise Festival Cambodia: Battambang 바탐방 새찬양축제

DEC 1, 2018

New Praise Festival Cambodia: Kampong Cham 깜뽕짬 새찬양축제

NOV 25, 2018

Phnom Penh Winners' Concert @ International Christian Assembly (ICA) / 3:30pm–5:30pm

NOV 17, 2018

New Praise Festival Cambodia: Phnom Penh 캄보디아 프놈펜 새찬양축제 @ Angkor Kizuna Hall, CJCC / 11:30am–5:30pm

NOV 10, 2018

상해 청소년 찬양축제

NOV 3, 2018

심천, 서안 새찬양축제

OCT 27, 2018

중국 북경 새찬양축제

AUG 31–SEP 4, 2018

Biblical Foundation of Praise and Worship Seminar @ United African University of Rwanda, Kigali (Link)

AUG 20–25, 2018

Systematic Theology of Praise One Week Intensive Course @ Uganda Christian University, Kampala (Link)

AUG 1, 2018

"합창의 신학 3" 특강 @ 서칭 페스티발 / 서울영락교회

JUN 22-24, 2018 

시카고 찬양세미나 @ 시카고언약장로교회

JUN 16, 2018 

샌디에고 새찬양축제 @ 샌디에고 소망교회

©2020 copyright New Praise Support Society. All rights reserved. Share our ministry with your church, worship leaders, families, friends, music students, and even non-Christian musicians. New Praise Support Society (NPSS) is a registered Korean non-profit organization.

사단법인 새찬양후원회의 홈페이지를 널리 알리는 것만으로도 찬양의 회복을 위한 귀한 사역이 될 수 있습니다. 여러분의 소중한 후원을 기다립니다. 사단법인 새찬양후원회 후원구좌 (국민은행 079801-04-094521)

서울특별시 서초구 반포대로 316, 6층 613호 (잠원동)

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