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Heavenly Praise for piano duet Vol.2

  • Volume 2

    22. Low in the Grave He Lay (2MD/ 1M) ………………………………. 148

    23. 'Tis so Sweet to Walk With Jesus (2MD/ 1M) ………………………. 158

    24. There Shall be Showers of Blessing (2MD/ 1M) ……………………. 167

    25. Heralds of Christ, who bear the King's commands (2MD/ 1M) …….. 182

    26. Onward, Christian soldiers (2MD/ 1M) ……………………………... 194

    27. O sacred head, now wounded (2D/ 1D) …………………………….. 210

    28. A Mighty Fortress is Our Gods (2D/ 1D) …………………………… 228

    29. Ring out the Old, Ring in the New (2D/ 1M) ……………………….. 248

    30. Symphonic Christmas Hymn Medley (2D/ 1D) …………………….. 263
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