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Six Meditations for the Lent

  • I. The Old Rugged Cross (George Bennard) 1

    II. What Wondrous Love is This (William Walker’s Southern Harmony) 2

    III. Were You There (adapt. John W. Work, Jr.) 4

    IV. Jesus Paid It All (John T. Grape) 6

    V. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Charles C. Converse) 8

    VI. Fairest Lord Jesus (Schlesische Volkslieder) 10

©2020 copyright New Praise Support Society. All rights reserved. Share our ministry with your church, worship leaders, families, friends, music students, and even non-Christian musicians. New Praise Support Society (NPSS) is a registered Korean non-profit organization.

사단법인 새찬양후원회의 홈페이지를 널리 알리는 것만으로도 찬양의 회복을 위한 귀한 사역이 될 수 있습니다. 여러분의 소중한 후원을 기다립니다. 사단법인 새찬양후원회 후원구좌 (국민은행 079801-04-094521)

서울특별시 서초구 반포대로 316, 6층 613호 (잠원동)

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